Hey friends! So it took me forever - but I finally FIXED the email subscription!
I had to switch to a different provider - I'm now using Follow.It
If you've already subscribed to my emails here on my blog check your email (and especially check your junk or spam folder!) to see if you've received a Follow.It email. I was able to import all of my confirmed email subscribers into the new site (and as always - I do not keep your emails or use them for ANYTHING) and it should start working pretty much as it used to (you'll only get an email when I post something new). I'm trying to keep it all as simple as possible and hopefully this should work!
If you haven't signed up feel free to do so. E-mails only go out when I post something new here on my blog - it will just give you a snippet of the post and you can click over here to check it out if you want and that's it! The sign up is on the right of my sidebar and is quick and easy!
As always - THANK YOU to those that follow whether it's here on my blog, my YouTube channel or my Facebook page or Instagram! I appreciate all of you! ❤️❤️❤️