I hope y'all are having a great weekend so far!
Like I mention in the video - this haul is months worth of separate orders. I've been setting things aside and it's all piled up BIG time. Getting sick last month put a wrench in everything - so rather than post several "normal" sized haul videos I decided to knock out as much as possible to share with y'all PLUS do a giveaway while I was at it!
You can watch in HD over on YouTube HERE <------click!
And here are the links to everything!!
I get asked a lot about where to purchase the supplies I use in my videos and blog posts. I list all the supplies I use at the end of my posts (below) or in the description box directly below my video on YouTube.
Compensated affiliate links used when possible at no extra cost to you. Affiliate linking is what keeps my blog and YouTube channel up and running and enables me to work from home and provide for my children! I appreciate your support more than words can say! I occasionally receive product for free from stores/manufacturer with no obligation on my part to use/review - I only use and share what I personally love. Everything else I purchase myself!
Now for the GIVEAWAY!!!
I packed a box full of stamps and dies and embellishments to give to one of you!
To be entered all you need to do is follow the steps in the Rafflecopter widget below (please make sure you're using a current e-mail address that you check frequently (I don't keep/see any personal info other than the winner's e-mail address) as that's what I use to contact the winner!).
Thank you for stopping by and good luck! ❤️