Well I'd planned to have this posted last night but every went nuts on the life end of things. I ended up chauffeuring kids to the docs office this morning and got prescriptions and meds to help as I am still battling this cold (and now have persistent ringing in my ears thanks to my sinuses being so inflamed - this has been a FUN couple of weeks.... *sarcasm*). BUT - that said almost everyone is on the mend and with the meds I'm hoping everyone that needs them here starts feeling better!
I got all my Christmas cards mailed out to my Patrons and whatnot which was a bonus to all the chauffeuring this morning lol. So I am slowly but surely getting there with the catching up.
Now - Simon Says Stamp had a great release last week - and it showed up at my door and I'd rushed to film this Release & Review video. It was right after that that everything went crazy and one by one everyone got sick here. So here it is finally:
The Simon Says Stamp You Are Loved Release is all available HERE <-------click!
You can watch in HD over on YouTube HERE <-----click!
And here are the links to everything individually!
I get asked a lot about where to purchase the supplies I use in my videos and blog posts. I list all the supplies I use at the end of my posts (below) or in the description box directly below my video on YouTube.
Compensated affiliate links used when possible at no extra cost to you. Affiliate linking is what keeps my blog and YouTube channel up and running and enables me to work from home and provide for my children! I appreciate your support more than words can say! I occasionally receive product for free from stores/manufacturer with no obligation on my part to use/review - I only use and share what I personally love. Everything else I purchase myself!