Well I'm plugging away at getting videos filmed and posted - my office is a MESS right now with all this new stuff just laying all over the place. I have a quiet couple of days here while my kids are with their dad so the plan is to get some organizing done and possibly even get some card making time. Chris and I watched Home Alone last night - that movie is Classic Christmas for me. Do you have a fave Christmas movie that you HAVE to watch this time of year? Mine is Home Alone and Elf (which I watch with the kids usually but this year the timing is different) plus there's a few others that if I get the chance to I will watch (It's a Wonderful Life is another one).
So between that and braving the outside world a little later to get a turkey and fixings for us to cook on Christmas Day (Chris and I do up feasts real good LOL - we've been looking forward to this for weeks) I got this video edited and uploaded. It feels good to get these things checked off my "to-do" list and then I can get to crafting as soon as I get all this stuff put away:
You can watch in HD over on YouTube HERE <-------click!
And here are the links to everything I showed and talked about in order:
I get asked a lot about where to purchase the supplies I use in my videos and blog posts. I list all the supplies I use at the end of my posts (below) or in the description box directly below my video on YouTube.
Compensated affiliate links used when possible at no extra cost to you. Affiliate linking is what keeps my blog and YouTube channel up and running and enables me to work from home and provide for my children! I appreciate your support more than words can say! I occasionally receive product for free from stores/manufacturer with no obligation on my part to use/review - I only use and share what I personally love. Everything else I purchase myself!