Hello everyone! I'm celebrating the fact that I recently passed 10,000 fans on my Prairie Paper & Ink Facebook page! That is crazy! So to celebrate I'm doing a giveaway - and doing it here on my blog b/c that's just the easiest way to orchestrate giveaways for me:
You can watch the video directly on YouTube HERE <------click!
Make sure to follow the steps in the Rafflecopter widget below in order to be entered:
Thank you all SO much for your continued support. I can't begin to express how much it means to me that so many of you visit my little corner of the interwebs, let alone "like" and comment and send me messages. Watching this Prairie Paper & Ink "fan base"/community grow like it has constantly blows my mind - and I can't express how grateful I am to all of YOU!!
CONGRATS to Nina! And thank you all SO much for participating and for all your kind words - this was the biggest response yet and my mind is blown at how many of you out there visit me here! :) :) :)
I get asked a lot about where to purchase the supplies I use in my videos and blog posts. I list all the supplies I use at the end of my posts (below) or in the description box directly below my video on YouTube. If the product images have sets of letters below the image it means there's more than one place it can be purchased. SSS = Simon Says Stamp, AZ = Amazon, MFT = My Favourite Things, SnS = Scrap N Stamp (Canada) etc. Compensated affiliate links used when possible at no extra cost to you. Affiliate linking is what keeps my blog and YouTube channel up and running and enables me to work from home with my kids! I appreciate your support more than words can say!
Items marked with an asterisk (*) have been sent by a store/manufacturer (with no obligation on my part to use/review - I only use and share what I personally love). Everything else I purchase myself!