EDITED TO ADD: Links to SALE/coupon code info at the end of this post to both sites!!
Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a great weekend so far. I have to be honest and admit that I don't think October was the most productive month for me. I have been feeling really burnt out and the creative energy just hasn't been quite the same. HOWEVER the month is nearly over, I'm wrapping up the Halloween series (I think it's done I just haven't called it 'till the day of LOL) and will start concentrating on Christmas and Holiday cards!
It's been a crazy month anyway - a lot on my plate (more than the usual "single mom of 4 kids" stuff) and it took a bit of a toll. Not to complain - just sharing how it is (I get a lot of random "advice" - biggest one being a lot of people telling me to take a break b/c "card making is always there!" - for those not aware THIS is my full-time job. It literally pays the bills and puts food on the table! Hence no breaks for this lady - which I'm OK with. I'm more than thankful I have this job - couldn't imagine anything else).
Anywho - there's a little random tidbit/life update (I've been getting a lot of requests for that - sorry it's been so long! The "full plate" and life itself has got in the way of that all these months - will address that hopefully soon!) - before getting to the good stuff:
Hauls! More than one in this video - I took advantage of a sale, had a gift card to use and was able to start getting some stuff for Christmas cards. Plus some other random goodies I'd been wanting and of course totally random things that just happen to jump in the cart (am I the only one that gets in an order sometimes and looks at some of the things with NO memory of why I ordered it?).
Watch in HD over on YouTube HERE <----click!
I tried to remember to link to both sources below, as well as add in the things I mentioned/showed in the video that weren't actually part of the haul. Hopefully I didn't forget anything (tho as usual if I did just let me know and I can go back and edit!).
**For a Simon Says Stamp sale code (good till Oct 31!) check HERE <----click! For Scrap N Stamp Halloween SALE info check HERE <-----click!
I get asked a lot about where to purchase the supplies I use in my videos and blog posts. I list all the supplies I use at the end of my posts (below) or in the description box directly below my video on YouTube. If the product images have sets of letters below the image it means there's more than one place it can be purchased. SSS = Simon Says Stamp, AZ = Amazon, MFT = My Favourite Things, SnS = Scrap N Stamp (Canada) etc. Compensated affiliate links used when possible at no extra cost to you. Affiliate linking is what keeps my blog and YouTube channel up and running and enables me to work from home with my kids! I appreciate your support more than words can say!
Items marked with an asterisk (*) have been sent by a store/manufacturer (with no obligation on my part to use/review - I only use and share what I personally love). Everything else I purchase myself!