It's me again! I was taking a little bit of time to straighten up my desk and almost knocked over my pile of colouring books. If anything 2015 was the year of adult colouring books - they're EVERYWHERE. I held out for the longest time b/c I honestly felt that (for me) they were rather pointless. I color on a regular basis just with my card making so why get a colouring book?
But then the Johanna Basford ones caught my eye and the collecting started *wink*. I own all but the Lost Ocean book now, and just yesterday got my hands on the calendar b/c it was on clearance. I got one for my oldest daughter who wanted one for herself, and a Frozen calendar for K b/c hello - it's Frozen (my other monkey got a Minion calendar for Christmas LOL so the other 2 were feeling left out). So they were on clearance plus buy 2 get one free - so I walked away with another thing to color and yeah bets are already being placed that I won't be able to keep up with it.
Anywho I've had people asking me about my opinion on them all and I suppose I could do a quick YouTube video to show if there's enough interest? I have 2 of the colouring books, the calendar and I recently got the Artist Edition colouring book which is pretty sweet.
So that's my 2016 goal (one of them anyway) - to take a little time here and there to just color for the heck of it. We'll see if I can pull it off...
What are some of your goals for 2016?