Well things appear to be back working normally here on my blog again so we'll see! Between that and my internet issues, and deleting videos off my camera (I can be very NOT tech-friendly at times) - it's been a frustrating several days on the technology front! :P
To top it off both Katelyn and I are sick - so I don't know when I'll do the Q&A video (was planning on doing it ASAP) but I'm so stuffed up and miserable that it's not pretty LOL! Hopefully this blows over soon (especially for the bug - I hate when my kids are sick - I just feel rotten for them) and I can get back to getting things done :).
ETA - sorry I forgot to link to Online Card Classes that I mention in the video :P. SO sick still :(
Anywho - I've got another haul video for you guys. I had a lot of shopping therapy throughout April - there were discount codes and all sorts of new products coming out and I sold some old furniture items and whatnot to fund *several* online orders LOL! I tend to store things in our garage as I move furniture and things around a lot but the past couple of years I've been making myself get rid of items that are no longer needed or that just sit forever taking up space. Having a third child and all the baby furniture/toys/clothes that they need really makes one pare down on everything else!
So here's what I got from SimonSaysStamp - and sorry Katelyn's not in this video - I'd filmed it with her and then accidentally deleted it from my camera (tech issues!) so refilmed it late the other night after everyone was in bed:
You can always watch over on YouTube HERE <-----click!