Getting SOOOOO very close!
My camera battery died during filming so you can prolly notice the light change - I was using what little natural light I had in the beginning (shortest day of the year and overcast here so there wasn't much natural light to begin with). So while the battery charged I got supper thrown together and into the soup pot (been making a lot of soup lately around here - it's easy and can cook slowly on the stove while I tend to other things).
So once I did all that it was getting dark out so I had to turn the lights on to finish the card. And then we had friends pop in to join us for said soup, which turned into a couple of board games and they just left a little while ago so now I'm going to get this post up and head up to bed LOL!
I am just LOVING coloring on kraft card stock - it is just so much fun.
And I LOVE this Santa image - I remember getting it last year and looking so forward to using it (which never happened as I got so sick while prego). So I was pretty excited to come across it in my stash!
And loving the texture of the white pencil crayon on Kraft card stock :)
To see how I made it watch the video below:
Or on YouTube HERE.
And if you've missed any so far you can find all the previous posts here: