Hey everyone.
I was doing so good (IMO!) and had planned on having all 25 Christmas cards done and posted by the end of this week - aaaannnd I ended up with the flu. I spent an entire day on the couch, and was *very* thankful that my hubby took that day off of work to give me a hand with the munchkin as I had zero energy. I'm also thankful that it only really lasted that one day that bad, and I've been taking it easy as much as possible since.
Needless to say I haven't got those last Christmas cards and videos done!
I do however have another one that I had filmed right before I got sick. I didn't get the voiceover done though and had to do it tonight - so forgive my raspy voice - I've been coughing up a storm today - blech.
But I got another one down and am SO close to 25!! I have my fingers crossed I can get them done and posted over the weekend.....
To see how I made this card watch the video below:
Or watch directly on YouTube HERE <-----click!
And if you've missed any so far you can find all the previous posts here: