After editing this video I think I look WAY more tired than I feel LOL - and I say the word "good" about a million times - sorry! But rather than re-film it all I may as well post it as this is me (and munchkin) at this stage of life. My poor brain is still mush (hence the use of the word good every 2 seconds) - partially from lack of sleep, partially from re-adjusting from the business trip, and partially (I think) from prego hormones.
I find I still have issues talking - my brain and mouth just don't want to work together and I lose track *really* easily - and words just escape me at times. So filming videos like this I'm finding quite difficult - as it is this was the 3rd or 4th time I filmed it today - like I said I finally gave up and am just gonna post it! It's a lot easier to type up what I want to say, and when doing voiceovers easier (and way less time consuming) to just re-do things when my thoughts and words aren't matching up *wink*.
But I really am *good* (LOL) - just needing more sleep and time to get back into the swing of things after the trip! I forgot to mention in the video that K sleeps quite well at night - which is a good thing but lately she's been having a hard time napping during the day - you can really tell that she just fights it and doesn't want to miss anything going on - goofy kid.
Anywho here's my latest life update:
As always you can watch on YouTube HERE <-----click!