I hope y'all are having a FABULOUS Saturday - I know I am *grin*. Me and my bestie got tickets to the Nickelback concert in May (4 months to wait! :( ) and that TOTALLY made my weekend - their concerts are SO much fun (I've only gone once years ago and it was awesome - every time since tickets have sold out before I could get any) and when they come to Saskatoon they sell out superFAST so I'm PUMPED to have tickets!!
It's funny b/c my hubby and her boyfriend aren't fans so us girls are going to make a night of it and the boys can go do their own thing LOL. Needless to say they're missing out :)
AND Seether, Bush and My Darkest Days are opening. Can y'all tell I'm doing a *happy dance* right now?
ANYWHO - here's another product review video for y'all. I hope to get some stamping done this weekend (I know I say that *every* weekend - but this one started on a REALLY high note so I hope it can just be awesome and productive all around *grin*) and some new Valentine videos up.
You can watch directly on YouTube HERE <----click!
I got mine here from onecrazystamper.com: