Hey all. First off I apologise if I sound "bored" or just "off" in this video. I had spent a very long day in the city getting groceries (the power went out for a good 1/2 hour while I was in Costco - THAT was fun *sarcasm*) and supplies for the salon and whatnot. By the time I got home I was beat, and I picked up the mail on the way and my parcel from ATS had arrived :o)
I quickly filmed the haul video as soon as I got home as I like to get those done ASAP so I can put things away and figure out what goes where etc etc etc.
So yeah - I'm feeling MUCH better now after a good nights sleep LOL and of course I have to head in to work soon right away so I wanted to get this done and up.
Here it is:
As always you can watch directly on YouTube HERE <-----click!