I need to get this post done quickly - I have to get to work right away!
I got in yet another order from ATS a week or two ago (and have another one on the way *sheepish grin* - I couldn't help myself!!) and filmed the video and then forgot about it LOL. I had it all sitting in the box on the floor by my desk (as I've been trying to keep all my "new to me" stuff in one spot so that I can pull it out and use it faster) and am planning on using some of it this weekend - so I thought I better get pics of the new stuff and get this video edited and uploaded so here it is:
You can watch it on YouTube HERE <----click!
And here are the pics (links are below them):
I just friggen love these Penny Black images - don't know why but I do!
And then these adorable Cat's Pajamas sets. That bunny just cracks me up.
Spellbinders Clearance section (candy corn dies)
MFT Flat Bottom Cloud Die-Namics
Cat's Pajamas Stamps and Cut-Ups Dies