I received a couple of birthday cards in the mail yesterday (right on my birthday so for once good timing at the post office LOL!) so I wanted to post them here and say thank you!!
This one came from Janneke (she's on of my girls on the ATS Design Team *grin*) - THANK YOU Janneke! It's so cute!!
And this one came from Melanie on Splitcoast (a SCS BRAK - Birthday Random Act of Kindness) - SO pretty! Thanks Melanie!!
Anywho I hafta run to work - I've been running around the past couple of days doing housework, paperwork, answering e-mails (I got to most of them - I'm ashamed to think how old some of the e-mails were! What can you do tho....), and trying to get some things ready to post on here - so I'll be back later!