OK I did a quick video this morning showing how I cut out a stamped image.
This one only took 2 takes - the other video I was working on took a few more and I'll post that later.
It is REALLY hard some days to attempt to do videos - as soon as I start Josie usually decides it's time to freak out over something and all you can hear is her screaming and crying because Veronica isn't sharing or whatever. So I have to stop whatever I'm doing, calm her down (and give back the toy!) then go back to re-doing the video (my camera only takes videos in 10 minute spurts - and I haven't yet figured out how to splice more than one video together - so usually if I get interrupted I have to start everything over from scratch!!).
Anyone who's a mom gets it - it's the same thing with the phone - as soon as someone calls or you pick up the phone to make a call the kids go nuts. Why is that?? Mine will be playing quietly and getting along beautifully UNTIL I start a video or get on the phone. Then all he** breaks loose!! My mom just loves when I complain to her about it - payback is sweet as she says me and my siblings were the same way LOL.
ANYWAY - here's my quick little video on cutting out images - I hope it helps!
Here's the link to my scissors post: Scissors
and to the stamp I used: Gingersnaps Spring Thing!