Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes - they are SO appreciated!! My day got a little better in that my headache finally went away - and then I did get out of the house last night ---------- but it was to go on a vehicle delivery with Tim. But hey at least I got out of the house - and Tim's parents babysat and his mom picked up my favorite coffee (a caramel machiato from the local coffee house) before we left so I was pretty pleased. Oh and I can't forget to mention what REALLY helped brighten my day:
One dozen pink roses -------- I've always thought I wasn't a flower girl and would say to people just get me a gift or something else. But I gotta admit I really do LOVE getting flowers --- LOL!! Who doesn't - especially when they're just the nicest shade of PINK...
I also took a pic of the perfume I got the other day (it was considered a birthday present so I made sure to get the bigger of the two bottles *wink*) b/c I thought it was so neat:
It's called Nina Ricci and I got it from the Bay in Saskatoon (big department store). I love that it's shaped like an apple! It has a really fruity smell to it too - not normally something I'm a fan of but it was different and I liked it.
Now I'm headed off to the city to do a little shopping and lunch with a friend - with NO kids since Tim took the day off to be with them. That right there is a treat LOL!
So before I head out the door here's pics of the RAK cards and faboo gift from Dawn that I received:
from Chelsey (not a birthday card - she sent me a blogger RAK for Thanksgiving (remember it's in October for us Canadians!)).
from Dawn - she got me the Friendship Willow Tree figurine - I LOVE it. I love all their figurines but I'd never seen this one before and I think it's just adorable!
from fancy_stitch
from Jacqueline
from Michele
So another huge Thank You to all you gals for the cards - I also got some HILARIOUS e-cards from a few people (I so want to figure out how to link them here but now the Hallmark site is down and I can't) - all the ones you sent me Gina W. were really cute and the girls loved them and they made me giggle - definitely a great pick-me-up!! So yes a BIG thank you to everyone for thinking of me!!