I got this link from Beth's blog (I *heart* Beth - even with 6 - yes I said 6!!!! - kids she still has her sense of humor!! Heck I think it's tough with 2!! I don't know what I'd do with 6 (pull my hair out???? I shudder at the thought.......)) ANYWAY - if you have kids you MUST check out this link and read it - so worth the laughs!!
Here it is: E-BAY AUCTION
Now I must run b/c MY kids are fighting and screaming and I still need to get ready for my date (oh how much I am looking forward to it I can't say!!).
EDITED TO ADD: Here is the link to the lady's blog who did that auction - I've browsed through it and it is SO funny - Because I Said So <-------click!!
You also MUST read her resignation letter here <------click! - she even included photos at the bottom.....