I can't believe it! I made it into the top 50 stamping sites! You can see the purple link near the bottom left of this page (I have yet to figure out how to get the actual # to show up - if anyone knows what I did wrong please help! lol).
I *never* thought my little blog would be so popular - especially in such a short amount of time! And it's all thanks to YOU!! I have received so many positive PM's and e-mails from people all over North America and it's been *SO* nice hearing what others have to say and how they heard about my blog.
I have a *ton* of ideas for what I want to do - but I'd appreciate any feedback, suggestions, tips etc. You can tell me what you'd like to see here in the comment area or shoot me an e-mail - I read every singe one and I try to reply ASAP.
Anywho tho I need to go finish the laundry - I was just so excited about all of this I had to take a break and share! (And like I needed an excuse to not do the laundry lol)