Hey friends! Now that I can finally get in here to post (sort of - things still aren't working properly) I have a new update:
SO - since the issues are still continuing (and have been going on for the last year and STILL no clear answers from the people who run TypePad) I have set up a new website. I am still hoping that I can transfer my content over to it as the thought of losing 16 years of content makes me want to throw up. This will be a VERY long work-in-progress - and THIS blog will stay up (unless the powers-that-be decide otherwise) until I either get things transferred or the whole site goes dark.
Anywho - I'm now posting at amyrysavy.com
Also like I mentioned in the video - follow.it emails ARE from me! I finally fixed the email issue (and then TypePad crashed like a week later - the irony lol) and those emails ARE legit. I don't know if/when/how I can transfer any of that to the new site so it will just stay as-is. Some people are already figuring out how to subscribe to my new blog but I don't even know how LOL! Baby steps. I have a lot on my plate and will slowly figure it all out!
From here on out all new posts will go up on amyrysavy.com. My YouTube channel will stay the same, you can always find me on my Facebook page and on my Instagram, and this blog will stay up until I can either transfer everything (literally a massive undertaking - no idea how long or whether it's even fully possible).
And only because people have asked - yes I do have a tip jar --------> (it's on the sidebar and you'll have to scroll down a bit to find it) here on my blog (I set that up yearrrrsssss ago by request lol and it's just sat there as a little inconspicuous button) and I do have a Patreon. Neither of which I promote much as it's just not a habit to push it lol!